virgin islands scene

The price of apathy towards public affairs is to be ruled by evil men.
-- Plato


Friday, April 15, 2016

Allow yourself to be you

Let go of anger and joy fills the space left behind. Allow apprehension to fall away, and peace begins to encompass you.

When fear loses its hold, love proceeds to work its miracles. As you move beyond the hollow demands of ego, you also move beyond its limitations.

Fulfillment is built upon effort but that effort is not a struggle. Indeed, the effort of fulfillment is your natural inclination.

That inclination to create and achieve with love, positive purpose and generosity has always been there. Stop fighting to suppress it, and watch it spring into action.

Even in ordinary, everyday concerns, you can operate from a deep sense of purpose. In moments big and small, you can be powered, informed and encouraged by all the good things you truly care about.

Step away from the assumption that you must struggle to be this or that, and simply allow yourself to be you. In the truth of who you are, in the power of all you love, is the fulfillment of all you could ever desire.

— Ralph Marston

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