virgin islands scene

All man's gains are fruit of venturing.
-- Herodotus


Wednesday, April 6, 2016

The arrival of now

Lovingly let go of the beauty that has been, so you’ll always be able to treasure the experience of it. Make room to welcome the beauty being born right now.

Happiness continues as long as you don’t try to hold it. Let it be, let it go, and let it enrich you again as it arrives in new and surprising ways.

What you pursue eludes you. What you allow fills your world.

As long as you focus on need, fulfillment is pushed away. Put energy into creating more of what you love using all of what you have, and need is nowhere to be found.

Every effort transforms abundance into new richness. Keep letting the richness inspire new effort.

Have the courage to allow the substance of now. And in it you will always find new richness to live.

— Ralph Marston

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