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There is no real excellence in all this world which can be separated from right living.
-- David Starr Jordan


Monday, March 7, 2016

Unstoppable determination

When things go wrong you can doubt yourself, resent the whole world, seek pity and shrink from life. Or you can grow stronger, focus your intentions like a red-hot laser on the purpose you’ve chosen, and make great things happen.

Life will kick you when you’re down, but you don’t have to add your own negative energy to that abuse. Take all the anger, the resentment, the doubt, and transform it into determination and sharply-defined purpose.

If something is causing a problem, fix it or get away from it. Stop blaming and excusing, start building and achieving.

You’re worthy and capable and deserve some solid victories. It’s your job to make them happen in a way that’s uniquely yours.

Be clear and precise about what you intend to do, and make the commitment to never waver. Raise your perspective and your performance to a new, higher level where the petty little distractions and annoyances simply do not get to you.

When things go wrong that’s your opportunity to put new, powerful energy into making life better than ever before. Seize that opportunity, let it flood every part of you with unstoppable determination, and go for it.

— Ralph Marston

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