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The saints are the sinners who keep on trying.
-- Robert Louis Stevenson


Thursday, February 18, 2016

Live in awe

If you wish life to change for the better, you must change for the better. Today will be happy to present you with many fine opportunities for that.

Are your best possibilities hiding behind stale old assumptions? Perhaps those assumptions have become so much a part of you that you’ve forgotten they even exist.

Imagine yourself looking at all the details of this day as the child you were years ago. Feel amazement at seeing the wonder in front of you, free of the jaded cynicism you have so proudly perfected.

Somewhere inside you is someone who wishes to live in awe of the miracle that is your life on this day. That sense of pure wonder is as close as your next thought.

Give yourself permission to stop fighting the empty battles imposed by your ego. Give yourself permission to be fully in love with each moment you’re in.

There are wondrous experiences to be lived, here and now, hiding in plain sight. Remind yourself how great and meaningful this very day can be, and make it so.

— Ralph Marston

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