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Failures are finger posts on the road to achievement.
-- Charles F. Kettering


Thursday, February 11, 2016

Power of happiness

Instead of seeking to be happy, be happy. Instead of waiting to be happy, be happy now.

Happiness is not something you must prove or justify. Happiness is not something for you to place conditions upon.

Happiness is yours when you simply allow it. You can do that at any time, in any situation, as often as you choose.

When you choose to be happy with life you choose to be highly effective at living it. You choose to be generous, creative, energetic and inspired.

Happiness feels good, and that’s not a trivial thing. When you feel good about life, about yourself, about others, you can do great things.

Stop resisting the power and possibility of happiness. Be happy, now, and be all you are meant to be.

— Ralph Marston

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