Thursday, December 10, 2015
Every ordinary moment
Do you wish to live an extraordinary life? Then be sure to give value, respect and appreciation to the ordinary moments.
A rich and satisfying life is built over time. Most of that time comes packaged as ordinary days, ordinary moments, ordinary tasks and circumstances.
In every ordinary moment, you have the opportunity to give your best, to create new value, to make a difference. The more of those opportunities you make full use of, the more fulfilling life will be.
There is no magic wand you can wave to instantly ease all your burdens and fulfill all your desires. However, you can work the magic of your own effectiveness, bit by bit, in each moment that comes your way.
By doing that consistently, your burdens will indeed be eased and your dreams will absolutely come to life. By harvesting the value of each moment as it arrives, you can create a life of meaning and fulfillment.
This day is filled with ordinary moments, each with its own opportunities. Act now, and work to gather life’s treasures as they flow steadily into your world.
Ralph Marston

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