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Action may not always bring happiness, but there is no happiness without action.
-- Benjamin Disraeli


Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Free yourself from anger

When anger arises, you can let it go, and create more room for joy. Though you have the right to be angry, you also have the right to free yourself from anger.

When someone or some situation angers you, step back and consider your options. Choose the option that will bring the most positive value in the long run.

Anger can quickly clarify your priorities, raise your energy level and get you going. But anger won’t sustain your efforts.

When you’ve been hurt, it’s natural to be angry. But don’t perpetuate the pain by hanging on to the anger.

Let the anger go, and transform its energy into positive determination. Direct your efforts toward building and improving, not toward destruction and vengeance.

Do yourself a favor by doing what’s best for you and for everyone else. Free yourself from anger, and free yourself to be your best.

— Ralph Marston

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