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To avoid criticism, do nothing, say nothing, be nothing.
-- Elbert Hubbard


Monday, November 30, 2015

Plan and then act

Think, but don’t overthink. Consider, but don’t consider so much that you fail to take action.

Plan, prepare and strategize, but don’t stop there. Do what you have planned.

It’s not enough to think you should do it, or hope to do it, or make elaborate plans for doing it. Go beyond mere planning, take the first step, and the next step and the next, until the job is done.

Thinking things through is great, up to a point. After a certain point, thinking becomes a substitute for action or even worse, an excuse for not taking action.

Though you may be highly skilled at anticipating what will happen, you never know for sure until you actually do it. So give some thought to it, then do it.

Yes, it’s fun to make big plans. Never forget, though, what’s even more fun is to see those plans come to life through your actions.

— Ralph Marston

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