virgin islands scene

You have succeeded in life when all you really want is only what you really need.
-- Vernon Howard


Friday, November 27, 2015

Let go of what you’re not

Let go of what you’re not. Your life, your time and your energy are too important to waste.

Let go of what you’re not, and make more room for all you love. Drop the pretenses and embrace authentic goodness.

You can make the biggest positive difference by being you. You can change the world for the better by being your authentic best.

Let go of what you’re not and celebrate all you are. Wrap your awareness around what really matters.

You’ll never be satisfied following anyone else’s dream. Real fulfillment comes from achieving what is most meaningful to you.

Let go of what you’re not, and give yourself the space to fully live as the unique, beautiful person you are. Let go of what you’re not, and free yourself to give your best to all of life.

— Ralph Marston

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