virgin islands scene

As long as people believe in absurdities, they will continue to commit atrocities.
-- Voltaire


Monday, November 23, 2015

Your unique purpose

If you’re not motivated enough to take action, you’re not motivated enough. If you’re not inspired enough to get up and get busy, find yourself some more inspiration.

There’s something that will compel you to jump up each morning and get things done. There’s some dream, some goal, some desire, something you want to do with life, that will push you to take whatever action must be taken.

The easy choice is to deny that you have a driving purpose. The easy choice is to pretend that life is conspiring to prevent you from following your dreams.

But that easy choice brings regret rather than fulfillment. You, and your unique purpose, deserve more.

You deserve to feel the passion that comes from investing yourself in what you care about. You deserve to experience the ups and downs, the frustrations and satisfactions of your own focused efforts and the fruits of those efforts.

So reach deep inside, and admit to yourself what you care about the most, and what you really, truly want to do with this day. Then stand up right now and go for it.

— Ralph Marston

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