virgin islands scene

Music washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life.
-- Berthold Auerbach


Thursday, November 19, 2015

The beauty of now

Life is lived with what you have, not with empty wishes for more. Be pushed forward by your ambition for what can be, while you derive full benefit from what already is.

If you’re constantly focused on what you want to have someday, you’ll miss out on the goodness and value already available to you. Honor your vision for the future by acting on it today, where you are, with what you have.

Enjoy each moment for what it is, without being obsessed about what it might someday get you. Appreciate the beauty that’s already here and now, and find inspiration in that beauty, here and now.

Every desire you have for the future points to an inner value that you can express today. Let those good values flow out into the world with your words and actions now.

As great as your ambition may be, you already have enough for right now. Make full use of what you now have, to do great things today.

The more you value what you already have, the more you’ll be able to do with it. See the beauty and value of right now, right here, and live it fully.

— Ralph Marston

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