virgin islands scene

If someone says "can't," that shows you what to do.
-- John Cage


Monday, November 16, 2015

What you allow yourself

Everything you’ve achieved is what you’ve allowed yourself to achieve. What will you allow yourself to achieve today?

All the actions you’ve taken are based on what you expect yourself to do. What will you allow yourself to expect today?

You have the tools to make a difference in life. What tools will you allow yourself to utilize today?

You can allow the excuses to hold you back, or you can allow the possibilities to propel you forward. You can allow yourself to waste precious time or you can allow yourself to enjoy spending time in productive, creative effort.

Each day in your past has been lived the way you allowed yourself to live it. You now can allow yourself to live today in such a way that you’ll look back on it with satisfaction, and with no regrets.

Through all its ups and downs, life ultimately proceeds in the way you allow. Allow yourself to live today in the most positive, honest and fulfilling way you can imagine.

— Ralph Marston

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