virgin islands scene

The world breaks everyone and afterward many are strong in the broken places.
-- Ernest Hemingway


Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Actively involved

Don’t wait in idleness for your life to go where you want it to go. Get out in front and lead it there.

Expect the best, hope for the best, and then take the next, crucial step. Spring into action, employ your resourcefulness and engage your creativity to make all those good things happen.

You deserve the best in life, but that doesn’t mean anything is going to be given to you. You have the good fortune of being able to earn it.

You can define precisely what you seek, and visualize yourself making it happen. Then you can live that vision, and express it through your actions to make it real.

Patience is a virtue, but patience does not mean sluggishness. Get yourself actively involved in life on every level, and the more you do so, the better life gets.

Choose your direction with decisiveness, commitment, action, time, energy, and everything else you have. Get actively involved in leading your life, and your life will go right where you lead.

— Ralph Marston

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