Saturday, November 7, 2015
Immensity of opportunity
Life is here and now. Live it here and now.
Don’t waste time reveling in past glories or worrying about future concerns. Get the most from this moment now, while it is here.
Every possibility exists, but you don’t need to dwell on those possibilities. Just pick a possibility and go with it, choose a path and explore it.
Feel your desire and follow that desire. Appreciate the beauty around you, get curious, and dive deeply into that beauty and wonder.
Acknowledge what you love, and act to express and fulfill that love. Know you can make a positive difference, and experience the satisfaction of doing so.
Life is rich, beautiful and filled with opportunity. Feel the immensity of opportunity, and live it now.
Ralph Marston

Copyright ©2015 Ralph S. Marston, Jr. All Rights Reserved. The Daily Motivator is provided for your personal, non-commercial use only. Other than personal sharing, please do not re-distribute without permission.