virgin islands scene

Success is not the result of spontaneous combustion. You must set yourself on fire.
-- Reggie Leach


Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Give yourself an intention

If you’re not following a meaningful purpose, you’ll end up following a meaningless one. If you have no specific intention for the day, the world will steal your precious time in the form of empty distractions.

You have the energy, skills and knowledge to do great and valuable things right now. A specific intention, with a commitment to that intention, will put it all to good use.

As useless as they are, the world’s distractions can be very compelling nonetheless. Give yourself an intention that is even more compelling.

Decide what you will do with the unique opportunity that is this day. Plant your intention firmly in your awareness, and keep it there.

You don’t have to be tossed around by a chaotic, contradictory and confusing world. You don’t have to settle for regret at the end of the day.

You can plot a course, and stay true to that course all day long. Set your intention, use this day to make it happen, and give your world value that can be treasured and enjoyed for a long time to come.

— Ralph Marston

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