Monday, October 12, 2015
Storms of change
Changes slam into your life whether you want them to or not. Some changes frighten you, inconvenience you, frustrate and annoy you.
As unavoidable and difficult as the changes may be, you never have to let them get the best of you. For you can make your own changes, and make them for the better.
The world changes, and those changes challenge you to respond. Though you rarely can control or even influence the changes, you have full control over the way you respond.
Though the changes may seem to threaten all you know, including your very identity, that’s really not the case. Even while storms of change rage on the outside, you can remain strong and firm in your values, priorities and commitments on the inside.
You can use that strength to take every change in stride. With it, you can support and expand all you love and value through every change that comes.
Changes are uncomfortable, and in that discomfort you feel your own power, urging you to put it to positive use. When changes come, engage that power to learn, adapt, improve and make the best of who you are, even better.
Ralph Marston

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