virgin islands scene

If you can dream it, you can do it.
-- Walt Disney


Saturday, September 19, 2015

Embrace the bigger picture

Use this moment for more than this moment. Use your energy for more than yourself.

Put some new value in your future. Put some new value in the world beyond you.

If you expect to be rewarded the instant you make the effort, you’ll severely limit what you can achieve. If you live only to meet your own narrow needs, you’ll miss out on life’s biggest opportunities.

Look beyond this moment and beyond yourself. The possibilities are endless, so don’t exclude yourself from the best ones.

You deserve more than merely what’s in it for you right now. You deserve to experience the joy that can be found far beyond your own concerns in this moment.

Embrace the bigger picture that stretches out beyond this time and beyond this situation. Think and act as if you live in a universe of limitless abundance and possibilities, for you do.

— Ralph Marston

previousTurn it into a good thing       Reward yourselfnext

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