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To be able to do a thing, you must begin to do it, and keep on doing it until the thing is mastered.
-- James Allen


Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Extraordinary opportunity

Life is begging you to make it even better than it already is. In everything that happens are ideas, opportunities, possibilities and great value to be created.

What must you do to make the most of all that? Be open to it all, and an active participant in each moment.

Watch, listen and learn, but don’t just sit there and watch. Immediately act on what you discover, on the ideas and opportunities that appear in front of you.

Pay just a little more attention, with love and thankfulness for life as you see it. Then do something about the possibilities bursting forth into your awareness.

Treasure the beauty that has been, and the beauty that is. Put it all together in new ways as you give life to the beauty that is to be.

In every ordinary moment is extraordinary opportunity. Embrace it, give your energy to it, and create new richness as you journey through.

— Ralph Marston

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