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Wisdom is knowing what to do next, skill is knowing how to do it, and virtue is doing it.
-- David Starr Jordan


Monday, July 6, 2015

Beyond satisfaction

It’s great to be satisfied with what you’ve done. Be careful that your satisfaction doesn’t turn into complacency.

Satisfaction with what you’ve done builds confidence in what you can do. Yet that confidence will do you no good unless it is put to use.

See your satisfaction as a challenge and an opportunity rather than as a refuge. When you’re satisfied with what you’ve done, let it inspire you to do even more.

When you’ve created a valuable result, you’ve also established some powerful momentum. What a shame it would be to waste that momentum.

Seize the opportunity to exceed yourself, to build on what you’ve already accomplished. Extend the great feeling of satisfaction by going above and beyond the effort that originally brought that satisfaction.

Enjoy your satisfaction after a job well done. Then quickly challenge yourself to create a whole lot more.

— Ralph Marston

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