Friday, July 3, 2015
Move on
You’re going along great, making progress, enjoying the effort, and then an unexpected interruption crashes your efforts to the ground. So, deal with the interruption, then let it go, and move on.
You’ve worked long and hard to achieve the results you desire, but the results you end up getting are not what you wanted. Accept the disappointment, learn all you can from it, and move on.
Out of the blue, something new and wonderful suddenly comes into your life. So enjoy the moment fully, and then move on.
Whether it’s pleasant or unpleasant, expected or unexpected, fulfilling or disappointing, life brings new substance every day. Live it fully, making the most of what comes, and then get moving along.
Don’t keep fighting against the bad stuff that’s already occurred, or continue clinging to the good stuff that’s already over. Let what has happened be what has happened, and move on.
Whether it’s been wonderful or disappointing or a mixture of both, be thankful for whatever you’ve just experienced. Feel your renewed inspiration, activate your new strength, and move positively on.
Ralph Marston

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