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I have always thought the actions of men the best interpreters of their thoughts.
-- John Locke


Monday, June 22, 2015

Hope into action

It takes more than hope to make things happen. Still, hope is a good and powerful thing.

Being hopeful will not magically bring whatever you hope for. Yet it is infinitely better than being hopeless.

If you let it, hope will inspire you to action. When you persist in the hope and persist in the doing, you’ll find that your hope was well founded and helpful.

Hope is not something that must depend on outside conditions, so you can choose hope no matter what is going on. You can always choose hope because you can always choose what to do with it.

Let your hope give you a little bit of comfort and reassurance. But more than that, let it challenge you and inspire you to do the difficult work that brings what you hope into reality.

Hope for the best, then transform that hope into a vision with a solid, practical path for moving forward. Put your hope into action, and create a reality above and beyond the best you could hope for.

— Ralph Marston

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