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The demand to be loved is the greatest of all arrogant presumptions.
-- Friedrich Nietzsche


Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Admit that you are you

Nothing is going to solve all your problems for you. However, you are completely capable of addressing each and every one of those problems yourself.

The energy to do so will come from a compelling purpose. Somewhere within you is that purpose, and what you must do is forge a solid connection to it.

In the things that you love, the things you dislike, the things that excite you and the things that frustrate you, are hints of that purpose. The quickest connection to your driving purpose is to admit that you are you.

Admit that you are you, with your quirks, your passions, your doubts, your values, and all the other truths about you. Admit that you are you, and admit all that you treasure about life.

Don’t struggle to fit into someone else’s pre-defined mold. Chart your own course, be your own person, and harvest the real value in your own purpose.

In your own beautiful uniqueness you will find the inspiration and energy to move positively forward. Admit you are you, and manifest your own special greatness.

— Ralph Marston

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