virgin islands scene

Reach high, for stars lie hidden in your soul. Dream deep, for every dream precedes the goal.
-- Pamela Vaull Starr


Thursday, April 9, 2015

Enjoy your life

Enjoy your life. On this day, in this place, whatever concerns, challenges, opportunities and situations you’re faced with, enjoy yourself.

Enjoy the little, seemingly insignificant things. Enjoy the big, life-altering things.

Enjoy the drama and the peace, the solitude and the fellowship, the activity and the relaxation. Enjoy the work and the play.

Enjoy being you. Enjoy not having to impress anyone, just being able to live your life in harmony with your values.

You work better, play better, sleep better, eat better and experience better relationships when you allow yourself to enjoy. You’re more interesting, more interested, more loving and giving and creative.

It’s really not that difficult to make the choice to enjoy your life. Enjoy your life in an authentic way, and make it a whole lot more enjoyable.

— Ralph Marston

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