Monday, March 23, 2015
Reality of your possibilities
Live the reality of your own best possibilities. Make use of your resources and efforts, your attention and passion, to bring those possibilities to life.
Take the energy from your desires, regrets, your frustrations and dreams, and put that energy into positive action. Make focused, meaningful use of the opportunity in each moment.
The possibilities are awesome, but don’t merely stand in awe of them. Become a living expression of those possibilities.
Now is your chance to make a difference. And that’s something you know, at the deepest level, you want to do.
If you don’t do all you can with this day, the time will come when you’ll desperately wish you had. So go ahead and grab the opportunity while it’s here.
Your best possibilities are well within reach. Touch them, work for them, live them, and transform them into reality.
Ralph Marston

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