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A hunch is creativity trying to tell you something.
-- Frank Capra


Friday, March 13, 2015

Treasure it all

Without the difficult times, you could not fully appreciate the good times. Without the good times, the difficult times would be infinitely more difficult.

Life changes, and that’s what makes it life. Life changes, and in the changes live every possibility.

Do not boast too loudly about your good fortune or despair too long about the disappointments. Things will change, and with that change will come new opportunities and new challenges.

Instead of fighting and judging, worrying and fretting, make the choice to marvel at the richness of it all. Enjoy, learn from, and be inspired by what’s here while it’s here, then be ready to move quickly forward as life continues its ceaseless transformation.

Care deeply and profoundly, but don’t let yourself take things too seriously. Walk that fine, marvelous line between unshakable responsibility and joyous serendipity.

In the ups, in the downs, in the detours and straightaways, there is much to treasure. So breathe in the richness, and treasure it all.

— Ralph Marston

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