virgin islands scene

The worst sin... is... to be indifferent.
-- George Bernard Shaw


Thursday, February 26, 2015

Ruffle some feathers

If you’re not ruffling a few feathers, you’re probably not getting much done. If you’re not running into difficult problems, then you’re falling far short of your potential.

You are superbly equipped to meet great challenges and to create great achievements. If you’re just maintaining the status quo, there’s a whole lot more valuable stuff you could be doing.

What you did yesterday was fine for yesterday. However, today is a new day, filled with new possibilities, so get busy exploring those possibilities.

Make yourself a little bit uncomfortable by reaching a little beyond what you’re sure you can do. Challenge yourself in a meaningful way, and you will quickly grow to meet those challenges.

Ruffle a few feathers, including your own. Explore the vast territory that lies beyond your comfort zone, and discover value you never knew existed.

This is a new day, so live it as a new day. This is your opportunity to add something to your life and your world that’s never been there before, so take that opportunity and run with it, now.

— Ralph Marston

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