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Being powerful is like being a lady. If you have to tell people you are, you aren't.
-- Margaret Thatcher


Monday, February 9, 2015

Think, then do

Think, but don’t overthink. Consider the implications before you act, but don’t agonize and analyze so deeply that you fail to make anything happen.

Think, then do what you think about. You cannot solve every problem in advance, so accept that you’ll have to make some adjustments as you go along.

Figure out what you intend to do, but don’t hold yourself back while you figure it all out. Jump in and get started, and use your powerful mind in combination with your effective actions.

Stop fretting and worrying about what might or might not happen. Get busy and find out.

Commit to a course of well-considered action and then do everything in your power to honor your commitment. That’s the path to achievement.

Imagine, and then create real, live substance out of what you imagine. Think, act, live, and enjoy the richness of a positive, purposeful existence.

— Ralph Marston

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