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Well done is better than well said.
-- Benjamin Franklin


Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Be amazed and keep going

Life can be amazing, so by all means be amazed. But don’t be so amazed that it immobilizes you.

Be amazed at the possibilities, at all the great things you can do. Then get beyond your amazement and get busy actually doing.

Be amazed at what others have achieved, at what you yourself have done, and at the beauty the universe constantly proffers. Then find something new and great and wonderful to do with it all.

Life is amazing and you can make it even more so. Be amazed, yet don’t ever let yourself be satisfied with mere amazement.

Drink in the wonder and beauty of life. Let it all inspire you to create greater beauty.

The journey is long, worthwhile, fulfilling and amazing. Be amazed, and keep going.

— Ralph Marston

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