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We promise according to our hopes and perform according to our fears.
-- Francois De La Rochefoucauld


Friday, January 23, 2015

Trivial inconveniences

The vast majority of what you consider problems, when viewed in a historical context, are nothing more than trivial inconveniences. That’s because a whole lot of people who came before you made the choice to leave life better than they found it.

By the standards of that same historical context, if you’re not improving life, you’re not living fully. No matter where you are or what you have, you always have the opportunity to move life positively forward.

You have the capacity to be creative, productive and effective. To the extent you utilize that capacity, you experience life’s richness.

Those problems, those trivial inconveniences, don’t have to slow you down for more than a short while. You are far more powerful than any problem that might come along.

In fact, the challenges give you all sorts of ways to utilize your capabilities and to create new value. Get out there, meet those challenges head on, and discover how you can connect to the best life has to offer.

Step back from the day-to-day distractions and consider all the great things you can do. Then step forward and find great satisfaction in making your world a more enriching and fulfilling place.

— Ralph Marston

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