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What is a weed? A plant whose virtues have not yet been discovered.
-- Ralph Waldo Emerson


Monday, October 6, 2014

Feeling good

Very often, the things you think will make you feel good in the moment will leave you feeling very bad in the long run. Yet you can choose to feel good by doing what’s truly good and right for you, for those around you, and for your world.

Don’t settle for just feeling good because of something you’re doing or something you have or someone you’re with. Don’t make your good feelings conditioned on what you’re watching, eating, drinking or experiencing.

Make the choice to feel great no matter what. Allow unencumbered good feelings to come from you rather than limiting your good feelings to only certain circumstances.

Imagine the freedom of not being held hostage to your desire for good feelings. Imagine feeling good because of your choice, and not being emotionally dependent on things that are beyond your control.

Life can feel great if you let it. Let it, by letting go of what you think you need and allowing the authentic goodness of who you are.

Feel good because it is what you choose to feel. Feel good, and free yourself from the needs that can steal your good feelings away.

— Ralph Marston

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