virgin islands scene

Life is short, but there is always time enough for courtesy.
-- Ralph Waldo Emerson


Monday, September 29, 2014

Get up and get going

Taking action is not as difficult as you imagine it to be. Get up now and get it done.

The comfort and ease of doing nothing are highly overrated, especially in the long run. Life is here, life is miraculously yours, so live it.

Live life fully by taking an active role in it. Feel your purpose, feel your desire, feel your dreams and follow them with all you have.

Make a commitment, voice your opinion, use your skills and put real, active substance into this day. Step forward, put forth the effort, follow through and contribute your own brand of richness to this beautiful world.

The possibilities are all around you. Great new value is begging to be created, and you’re in the fortunate position of being able to answer the call.

Remind yourself how effective you can be and then put that effectiveness to good use. Get up, get going and give your best to this great day.

— Ralph Marston

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