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A man's feet should be planted in his country, but his eyes should survey the world.
-- George Santayana


Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Work happy

Don’t work hard to be happy. Be happy to work hard.

Instead of resenting the effort, or avoiding it altogether, put your own joy into it. Make your work an expression of your happiness rather than a precursor to that happiness.

If you postpone your happiness until after the work is done, you’ll miss the opportunity to make use of its power. Work happy, and you’ll work much more effectively.

Work happy, and you’ll provide yourself with a whole lot more time to be happy. Put happiness into even the most difficult effort and you’ll find ways to put the power of happiness into just about anything.

You don’t have to be naive or to deny reality in order to work happy. With both feet planted solidly and pragmatically on the ground, you can benefit from an attitude that soars a mile high.

Be truly happy about the difference you can make as you work to make that difference. Work happy, and add plenty of new richness to life.

— Ralph Marston

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