Saturday, July 26, 2014
Forgive yourself
Punishing yourself for your mistakes won’t erase them or move you forward. Being angry and disappointed at yourself for a missed opportunity or a wasted day won’t achieve anything positive.
Instead, forgive yourself, and free yourself from your past mistakes. Forgive yourself, learn from those mistakes, and turn your attention to what you can do now.
Choose to be more determined, more committed, and more focused rather than being angry. Transform the energy of disappointment and regret into useful action and achievement.
Whatever may have happened or failed to happen in the past, you have this moment right now. And you can make productive, meaningful use of it, beginning right now.
You don’t have to let a disappointing experience turn into negative momentum. You have the power to instantly put yourself on a positive path, so make the choice to exercise that power.
Look ahead, imagine the best, and get yourself busy moving forward. Leave the regrets about the past in the past, and find renewed energy right now in building a great future.
Ralph Marston

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