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Life is like a game of cards. The hand that is dealt you represents determinism; the way you play it is free will.
-- Jawaharial Nehru


Monday, July 7, 2014

Even greater value

There are many people in this world who would dearly love to have what you have. Plenty of other people would love to know what you know, to experience what you’ve experienced, and to live in the way you live.

Don’t let yourself become so accustomed to your many blessings that you discount them. There is enormous value in your life, and so many great things you can do with it.

Real gratitude goes beyond just thinking thankful thoughts and saying thankful words. The power of gratitude comes when you make good and meaningful use of all those things for which you’re thankful.

You have been entrusted with a whole lot of great value. Your best response is to find delight and fulfillment in making it into even greater value.

Truly enjoy all the good things you have, and then go beyond enjoyment. Expand and share, magnify, multiply and utilize all those things.

Let your achievements set the stage for new achievements. With thankfulness in your heart and in your actions, create a constant upward spiral that brings even greater value to life.

— Ralph Marston

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