Friday, June 20, 2014
Useless envy
Getting envious doesn’t get you much. When you feel envy, make the choice to take the energy of that feeling and to point it in a more positive direction.
A much more empowering alternative to envy is gratitude. Envy creates a feeling of lack and limitation, while gratitude fosters a mindset of abundance.
When it comes to the things that matter, there’s never any reason to be envious of anyone else. You can always choose to live your life in a way that’s the most positive and fulfilling for you.
When there’s something about someone else’s life that appeals to you, look for ways to transform that feeling into positive action. Rather than being envious, be inspired.
Instead of focusing on what you don’t have, think of all the positive, value-creating things you can do. No matter where you are or what you have, there’s a world of opportunity available to you.
Make the commitment to act on that opportunity, and to bring new, unique goodness to your world. Get beyond the useless envy, and enjoy filling your life with true richness.
Ralph Marston

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