Monday, January 27, 2014
Making the effort
When you don’t feel like making the effort, the thing that will help you more than anything else is to go ahead and make that effort. Even when you are too tired or too bored, too distracted or too dismayed, the way out is to get busy and put forth effort.
Wishing for things to be better won’t make things better. What will make things better is taking positive, focused action.
Making excuses won’t make things right. The way forward is to make a real difference by making a real effort.
Just because it’s difficult, uncomfortable and inconvenient, doesn’t mean it’s impossible. You have what it takes to take effective action, and that is a powerfully positive thing to do.
Instead of wasting your priceless time with procrastination, make good use of the time that’s now yours. Spend that time making a meaningful difference.
What you get out of life depends on what you get out of yourself. Make the effort, again and again, and give much more beautiful and meaningful life to all of life.
Ralph Marston

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