Friday, January 17, 2014
Feel the goodness
There’s something good in your world right now. Allow yourself to see it.
Peacefully, calmly focus on feeling that goodness. Make it a part of you.
At any time, in any circumstance, whatever your condition may be, there’s much for which to be thankful. Feel the gratitude in the deepest part of your being.
Make the good things more prominent in your awareness. That will make the undesirable things much smaller and less powerful.
See your life in this moment in terms of those things you value and embrace. See the world in terms of the good things to which you can give your energy and your love.
There is very real goodness right here and now. See it, feel it, relish it and move it forward.
Ralph Marston

Copyright ©2014 Ralph S. Marston, Jr. All Rights Reserved. The Daily Motivator is provided for your personal, non-commercial use only. Other than personal sharing, please do not re-distribute without permission.