Friday, January 3, 2014
In getting to this day, you’ve invested more of your life than with any other day. Give it the care, respect, attention, effort and commitment it deserves.
This day represents a culmination of all you’ve ever thought, all you’ve ever done, all you’ve dreamed and hoped and loved. There’s an amazing amount of substance behind this day, so put some great new substance into it.
Today may seem like just another day, yet it is so much more. It is the time in which you can make use of all you have been in order to become the best you can be.
Your presence on this day is an impressive achievement, so don’t sell yourself short. Instead, use the opportunity of this day to raise yourself and your whole world higher.
Feel your dreams, your values, your essence, your spirit and the love you have for the beauty of this life. That goodness is all wrapped up in today, and with it, so much more goodness is possible.
Your whole life has brought you here. Consider the magnitude of what you’ve been through, and find new strength to move forward in a new, brilliant, and meaningful way.
Ralph Marston

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