Saturday, November 23, 2013
More than you must
It is by doing more than you must that you make life exceptionally good. It is by exercising each small opportunity to go the extra mile that you create an incredibly beautiful journey.
When you’re making a difference, and you have some good momentum, keep going. When you’ve finished what you must do, keep going and discover the great value in what you can choose to do.
Even a small extra effort can make a big difference. A little bit bigger extra effort may just change the world.
Instead of fighting against the effort, enjoy it and celebrate the opportunity you have to make it. Instead of resenting what you must do, be delighted about all the great things you’re able to do.
Feel how good it feels to be effective, creative and productive. Keep that feeling alive even longer by making an extra effort.
Grab each opportunity to do more than you must. You’ll end up with treasures that go beyond anything you could have imagined.
Ralph Marston

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