virgin islands scene

The same hammer that breaks the glass forges the steel.
-- Russian Proverb


Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Focus on the good things

Your mind is astonishingly powerful. Focus that power on the good things.

Your thoughts create the landscape in which you experience life. Make that landscape empowering in a positive and fulfilling way.

Even if something is very small, you can make it enormous in your life by choosing to intensely focus your thoughts upon it. So focus on what you wish to make bigger, and not on what you want to avoid.

Let your thoughts center around all that you love, respect, admire and treasure. Give positive power to each of your moments by giving positive focus to your thoughts.

Sure, there are plenty of negative things that can quickly capture your attention. That’s why it is important to be able to just as quickly put yourself back into a positive perspective.

By all means deal with the bad things as necessary, while keeping your primary focus on the good things. Make the best use of the mental power that is yours by keeping it pointed in a positive direction.

— Ralph Marston

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