virgin islands scene

Happiness is activity.
-- Aristotle


Monday, October 21, 2013

Widen your view

If you’re having trouble finding an answer, it’s probably because you’re continuing to look where you’ve already looked. If it seems that the problems have no good solutions, widen your view.

The answers and the opportunities are most certainly out there. In order to discover them you must let go of some assumptions and open yourself to new possibilities.

Conditions change, people change, and the whole world can change quickly. If you continue to see things exactly the way you did yesterday, you’re missing a whole lot of new opportunities.

It’s great to stay firmly anchored in your long-held, most treasured values. Yet it’s also vitally important to live and express those values in new, creative and updated ways.

There are countless ways to enrich your life and your world that you’ve never even considered. Step out of your routine, step back from your assumptions, widen your view and see some of those possibilities.

Make the choice to venture beyond what you’re comfortable with, beyond what you already know and assume. Great new treasures are waiting for you there.

— Ralph Marston

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