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Imagination is the highest kite one can fly.
-- Lauren Bacall


Friday, September 27, 2013

Look ahead

You know that in the past you’ve compromised your highest values and fallen short of your best possibilities. Forgive yourself, learn from it all, and move forward.

Let go of any regrets and allow new, positive, creative thoughts to take their place. Though you may have done some foolish things, you now have the opportunity to do much better.

In fact, you have the opportunity to far surpass even the best things you’ve ever imagined. Look firmly and enthusiastically ahead, and see the great possibilities.

Feel the beautiful, authentic dreams that live inside of you. Open yourself to the powerful and amazing possibilities that are all around you.

Any previous shortcomings are no longer the issue. You are now beyond all that, and able to live each moment in a positive and purposeful way.

Whatever treasure you seek is already within reach, ready today for you to fulfill, to experience and to enjoy. Look ahead, then get busy bringing those treasures to life and living your dreams.

— Ralph Marston

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