Wednesday, September 4, 2013
Your time is limited, with only so many available hours in each day. Yet that can be a very good thing if you choose to see it as such.
It is precisely because your time is limited that you can motivate yourself to make the highest and best use of every moment. Instead of wishing in vain for more time, you can find countless ways to get more value from the time you have.
Anything of value becomes more precious and more highly appreciated when it is in short supply. And the more you appreciate it, the more value you’re able to create from it.
That’s why it is entirely realistic to start from where you are, with whatever you have, and successfully get to wherever you wish to go. Though your time and resources are limited, there is no limit to your resourcefulness.
So go ahead, dream big dreams, and envision your life exactly as you would most like it to be. No matter how much or how little you start with, you can certainly find a way to reach the most ambitious goal, as long as it is truly important to you.
For you have something even better than time, better than money, and better than any valuable resource you can imagine. You have life, and the resourcefulness to make good and meaningful use of it all.
Ralph Marston

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