Thursday, June 20, 2013
Happy for yourself
You don’t have as much time as you’d like to have. But instead of resenting that situation, or getting frustrated or despondent about it, make good, positive use of the time that’s available.
The circumstances may indeed be difficult and challenging, but that’s no reason to make them even more so. Instead of fighting against the difficulties, embrace your own ability to move positively through them.
It’s easy to feel sorry for yourself, but that doesn’t really get you anywhere you’d like to go. With the exact same amount of thought energy, you can feel happy for yourself, and thankful for the very real positive possibilities that are yours.
There are all sorts of distractions, excuses, interruptions, and other people to blame for your lack of progress. Even so, you can make the commitment to make real, meaningful progress no matter what, and then successfully follow through on it.
There’s plenty of negativity in the world, and there’s nothing to be gained by adding to it or wallowing in it. You can just as easily choose a more positive, powerful, productive path.
It all depends on the way you see it and the way you live it. Be happy for yourself, for all the good you can do, and then spread your positive energy far and wide.
Ralph Marston

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