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Great minds must be ready not only to take opportunities, but to make them.
-- C C Colton


Tuesday, April 9, 2013

You can do anything

Somewhere deep inside, you know you can do anything. But it’s frightening, uncomfortable and inconvenient to think about, so you choose to pretend it’s not true.

It is very easy and comforting to make excuses. So all too often, that’s all that ever happens.

But what if you decided to stop arguing in favor of your limitations? What if you made the choice to allow your life to fulfill your greatest possibilities?

When you stop complaining that you can’t, is when you can. When you stop defending your lack of progress, you can begin to make incredible progress.

Yes, life is tough and filled with all sorts of big, imposing challenges. And it is precisely by choosing to work through those challenges that you can do anything, anything you truly desire.

Sure, absolutely, it’s much easier said than done. Yet this is your life, and you deserve all the richness that comes when you allow yourself to live it fully.

— Ralph Marston

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