virgin islands scene

Education's purpose is to replace an empty mind with an open one.
-- Malcolm Forbes


Friday, January 18, 2013

Opportunity for goodness

When good and positive things come into your life, use the opportunity to make something good out of them. And when negative, disappointing things happen in your world, use that also as an opportunity to make something good from them.

Every moment is an opportunity for new goodness. Every situation gives you a chance to be of real value to life.

Instead of getting frustrated, get creative. Instead of getting bored or complacent, get inspired.

Life is what it is, and whatever it may be, you can make it better. The sun shines for a while, and then the storms crash onto the shore, and through it all you can continue to create new, living value.

There’s no need to worry about what might come, or what might be gained or lost. Choose instead to put your energy into making the very best of whatever may be.

Whatever is, is also an opportunity for new goodness. Grab each day’s opportunity with enthusiasm and love, and feel the fulfillment that follows you everywhere you go.

— Ralph Marston

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