Thursday, January 3, 2013
Assume you can
Expand your idea of what is possible. Dream and imagine and explore the fertile territory beyond your current assumptions.
Whatever your situation in life may be, you are not confined to it. With imagination, focus, commitment and effort, you can move yourself to an even better, more fulfilling reality.
Beyond the existing horizon of your experience are countless possibilities you have not yet considered. Dare to go where you have not gone before, to see life in new and empowering ways.
There is a very real path to the fulfillment of your deepest, most positive and profound desires. Instead of convincing yourself and others that you can’t get there, open yourself to more possibilities.
If you assume you cannot get there, that very assumption will keep you chained to where you are. Yet when you assume you can, you will.
Beyond your past experience, beyond your current assumptions, are powerful new possibilities. Imagine those possibilities, find positive, sustained energy in them, and bring them gloriously to life.
Ralph Marston

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