Thursday, November 15, 2012
Could have
It doesn’t really matter what you could have done, and what could have been. Focus instead on creating the best of what can be.
Your opportunities are in the present, not in the past. Learn from the mistakes, take inspiration from the disappointments and the successes, and move ahead.
Don’t waste your time fighting battles that have already been decided. Put your effort into crafting a beautiful future from what you now have.
Though you’ve missed opportunities in the past, there are plenty of good opportunities that still remain. You cannot go back, and yet you can go positively forward.
Decide what you will have, what you will do, what you will experience. Decide on the ways you will make a difference, and put your energy into doing precisely that.
Leave behind the thoughts of what could have been. You have the grand opportunity to determine and create what now can be.
Ralph Marston

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