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There are no shortcuts to any place worth going.
-- Beverly Sills


Wednesday, October 24, 2012

What truly matters

If the distractions are too compelling, then your goal is too small. To strengthen your focus, raise your ambitions.

Make your purpose ten times more appealing than anything that could distract you. Make your goal so meaningful and compelling that nothing can compete with it for your time and attention.

You absolutely have the power to do great things. Yet in order for that power to be effective, it must be applied consistently and persistently.

Decide to make good and significant use of your great abilities. Focus yourself, in the biggest way you can imagine, on what is genuinely important.

Give yourself the joy of fulfillment by giving yourself a big, bold challenge that’s worthy of your efforts. Set your sights high, and make your moments count for something truly outstanding.

The world is overflowing with meaningless distractions, and yet they do not have to steal your life away. You can choose to focus your life on a magnificent expression of what truly matters.

— Ralph Marston

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