virgin islands scene

Be not angry that you cannot make others as you wish them to be, since you cannot make yourself as you wish to be.
-- Thomas a Kempis


Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Keep building

Small efforts that are repeated are far more powerful than big efforts that are made just once and then abandoned. Instead of hoping for a chance to make a big impact, take advantage of each opportunity you have to make a small impact.

Time works in your favor when you work in your favor with every little bit of time you get. You can achieve great things with modest efforts by persistently repeating those efforts.

Every moment is an opportunity to add a little bit to life’s richness. Those little bits add up.

Each revolution of your car’s engine moves the vehicle forward only a short distance. Yet with enough successive turns of the engine and tires, you can traverse an entire continent.

Just because the effort is small, doesn’t mean it is insignificant. Just because you can’t do it all at once, doesn’t mean it is out of your reach.

Success and fulfillment are built on a day-by-day basis. Keep going, keep building, and enjoy the ride.

— Ralph Marston

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